
Writing        Schreiben

Englisch  German    Englisch  Deutsch

Ghost Writing 

Ein Geist, der schreibt!

Do you want to leave something behind for your offspring, but do not have the time to write down your family's history? Send me your research and I do it for you.

Do you need a leaflet written, a product promoted, or do you want to advertise abroad?



I will read newspaper articles or research documents for you and resume them in English or German, whatever language you are working with. If I am happy about the subject area and find it easy to access the material or you are willing to provide me with the material, I will provide you with swift, regular and reliable reports.

Just get in contact to discuss terms and obtain a quote!



Throughout my work, as a volunteer and in a professional manner, I have been used to dealing with matters of confidentiality and I have always proved reliable. This was very important, because I worked with children or vulnerable adults. You can expect the same approach when handling your documents.

Contact me:
